Paul Di’Anno, the former Iron Maiden vocalist, was buried on Thursday (November 21) in London. A tender, heartfelt goodbye to Di’Anno was shared by his longtime manager, Stjepan Juras, in a Facebook post that included a photo of the casket that was approved by the musician’s family. “Let’s raise glass for the last time for Paul Di’Anno,” wrote Juras. “His funeral was today and this picture is published by the approval of his family. Thanks to everyone today and thanks Kastro Pergjoni for a beautiful afternoon at Cart and Horses in long memory of Paul.” DiAnno, the vocalist on the first two Maiden records, died back on October 21 at the age of 66. Juras previously disclosed his cause of death in an earlier post, “Basically, he had a tear in the sac around the heart and blood has filled inside it from the main aorta artery and that has caused the heart to stop.” (Ultimate Classic Rock)
Former Iron Maiden Vocalist Paul Di’Anno Laid To Rest In London

Paul Di’Anno, the former Iron Maiden vocalist, was buried on Thursday (November 21) in London. A tender, heartfelt goodbye to Di’Anno was shared by his longtime manager, Stjepan Juras, in a Facebook post that included a photo of the casket that was approved by the musician’s family. “Let's raise glass for the last time for…