Today’s Good News 10-6-21

Today’s Good News 10-6-21

Good News

A 38-year-old in Minnesota named Laura Sosalla battled covid last year, and it robbed her of her eyesight. But she’s not letting it hold her back. Earlier this year, she reached out to United in Stride, a group that matches visually impaired runners with guides. And on Sunday, she ran, and finished, her first marathon……….. A McDonald’s manager in Detroit saved a guy whose blood sugar got dangerously low.  The man’s wife pulled up to the drive-thru and said she needed an orange juice ASAP, because her husband was in diabetic shock.  The manager is James Dalpiaz, and his aunt has diabetes.  So he knew to add extra sugar to the O.J. . . . sprinted to their car with it . . . and the guy’s okay……………..And finally………. 
