Cindy Miller

Cindy Miller

I am originally from Michigan, born in Detroit, but I’ve been here in ENC for about 16 years now. I love radio, love music, and love being involved in things happening in the community. If I can make you laugh by saying something silly, make your day better by playing your song, or just be there to chat when you need me, then I am a happy camper. I can’t imagine doing anything other than radio, and frankly, I’m not qualified to do anything AT ALL, so this is the perfect gig for me.

I’m on the air Monday through Friday, 10am-2pm. Got the Workforce Block at 10 – a big looooong block of uninterrupted tunes (this is when I troll Facebook!); the all Request Classic Pigout at noon, which is when you get to shout out what you wanna hear at 252-633-1065 or 866-484-1065, and then Live 1 at 1. Thursday is my favorite day though – that’s when the Theme Park takes over the Pigout, and all the songs have to follow the theme. Could be one word band names, guitar greats, songs with day and/or night in the title……I make YOU do the work, and you sure do keep me hopping, with suggestions coming at me from every direction.

About me:

I hit the jackpot in the dude lottery and got married in 2015. Maybe you’ve met my husband when we’ve been out at a station event – I call him my “handler”….lol. He has infinite patience with my chattering and three second attention span.

I love sports and regularly lose my voice hollering at the TV, which cracks my husband up. I cried when Peyton Manning retired. I cried when Steve Yzerman left the Red Wings. I cry when the Patriots win anything, because, well, I just don’t like the Patriots. I think Tony Dungy is an incredible human being – you should read his books.

We have a rescue pup named Poe. She is a black and white mixed breed ball of energy – pit bull, lab, terrier, boxer. After we lost our mastiff, Loki, we decided to downsize, so we went from 170lbs to about 45lbs for Miss Poe. She’s only a little bit spoiled. Okay, she’s really spoiled. Oy, you got me….she runs our household.

I am addicted to Jeopardy.

I am a foodie. I would eat myself into a coma if nobody stopped me. My husband and I have a passion for Italian cooking, and we spend the occasional evening drinking wine, making pasta and whipping up chicken saltimbocca or some other delicious dish.

Travel is my favorite hobby, if that can be called a hobby. I want to go EVERYWHERE and have been fortunate enough to visit London, Paris, Florence, Rome, Venice, Mexico, the Bahamas, Canada and many of the states in the US.

I love animals and would have a farm if I could.

I kissed the Stanley Cup.

I adore the beach. The sound of the ocean is my lullaby.

I love the smell of horse manure.

I always have my nose in a book. Favorite authors: Leon Uris (tops the list), Richard Adams, Lee Child, Chuck Klosterman, Robert Ludlum, Sue Grafton……I could go on all day!

Today’s Good News 7-26-24

Today’s Good News 7-26-24

Two years ago, a British woman named Sarah de Lagarde lost an arm and a leg in a terrible subway accident.  She got run over by TWO trains, but she’s not letting it hold her back.  Next month, she’s heading to Tanzania to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.  She’d be the first female double prosthetic amputee to…

Today’s Good News 7-23-24

Today’s Good News 7-23-24

A study found gratitude is on the rise.  Feelings of thankfulness plummeted during the pandemic, but they’ve been rising ever since.  Over half of Americans say they regularly feel grateful for stuff. And a separate study earlier this month found being grateful can actually help you live longer…………… An influencer named Ben Kilner custom built…

Today’s Good News 7-24-24

Today’s Good News 7-24-24

How had no one invented this yet?  A group of engineering students at Johns Hopkins came up with a silencer for leaf blowers that makes them 37% less loud.  They’ve already signed a deal with Black & Decker and expect them to be available to buy within two years………………..  A nine-year-old boy named Rivers found a…

Today’s Good News 7-23-24

Today’s Good News 7-23-24

New York’s famous Serendipity 3 restaurant did something nice for a longtime customer this weekend.  Barbara Silverstein has been going there ever since they first opened in 1954.  So, 70 YEARS. For National Ice Cream Day, they created a special dessert called the Barbara Silverstein Sundae:  Three scoops of coffee ice cream with hot fudge,…

Today’s Good News 7-22-24

Today’s Good News 7-22-24

Researchers at Georgia State University have found that the antibodies in LLAMAS might hold the elusive cure for HIV.  A treatment that could neutralize nearly all strains of the virus would be a game-changer in the fight against HIV/AIDS…………. A nurse named Claire saved a man’s life at the Charlotte airport last month, after she…
