Today’s Good News 11-21-22

Today’s Good News 11-21-22

Remember the plane that crash-landed on a golf course in Wisconsin last week with over 50 shelter dogs on board?  Some of them have already been adopted . . . by the first responders who helped save them………………… A Southwest passenger forgot their phone in the terminal at the Long Beach airport in California.  And the plane had already pulled back from the gate, so it was too late to go get it. But a worker on the tarmac helped out by jumping just high enough to hand it to the pilot through an open cockpit window.  Southwest posted the video on Twitter…………And finally……………. 

Have you seen the video of a chimpanzee being reunited with her baby at a zoo in Kansas last week?  Zookeepers had to do an emergency C-section on Mahale the chimp on Tuesday, and they were separated for two days. They put the baby in the mom’s pen on Thursday, and let her in.  It took 20 seconds before she realized he was there.  Then she immediately rushed in and hugged him.  Even the zookeeper filming it started crying.  (Here’s the video.  It happens at :28.) 
