Today’s Good News 2-8-23

Today’s Good News 2-8-23

Good News

A guy on TikTok went to a McDonald’s drive-thru to get a McMuffin.  And when he looked in his bag, he found $5,000 CASH that was supposed to go to the bank.  Instead of keeping it, he turned around and went back.  They ended up giving him a $200 reward for being honest, plus free McDonald’s for a month.  (Here’s a video he posted.  Careful!  F-bombs at :12, :25, and :56.)………… A dog that was dumped in the desert in Nevada was rescued after living more than six months with a pack of coyotes.  They accepted him, and he may have even been the alpha.  Some trappers finally managed to catch him in a cage.  His rescuers say he’ll be okay and loves humans……And finally……………. 

A dad in the U.K. wanted to donate a kidney to his 19-year-old daughter last year, but wasn’t a match.  Luckily, she got one from a different donor, and she’s doing great now. But once he realized what a big deal it was, he decided to donate a kidney anyway to a complete stranger. The surgery was in December, and although he doesn’t know who got it, he knows they’re doing well.  He says it feels like he gave them a really great Christmas gift. 
