DEE SNIDER is backing a petition to have AC/DC play the next Super Bowl Halftime Show. Sign it here.
OZZY OSBOURNE just recently revealed his Parkinson’s diagnosis, but he says he was actually found out about it back in 2003.
The STEVE MILLER BAND will co-headline a tour this summer with country star MARTY STUART. The closest dates to us are August 11 in Washington, DC at The Anthem, and August 12 in Glen Allen, VA at Innsbrook Pavilion.
TENACIOUS D are turning their “Post Apocalypto” album and YouTube series into a graphic novel.
After their summer tour with MOTLEY CRUE, DEF LEPPARD will keep on rolling with ZZ TOP. Catch them September 23 in Virginia Beach, VA at Veteran United Home Loans Amphitheater.
The United States Army Band, “Pershing’s Own,” recently paid tribute to RUSH’s NEIL PEART with their cover “Time Stand Still”.
There’s probably not going to be a movie based on GREEN DAY‘s “American Idiot” after all – read more here.
A SWAT team had to be called to a hotel KISS was staying at 20 years ago, because GENE SIMMONS threatened to blow the place up. He didn’t mean it. Apparently, he just gets upset when he calls for room service and they take too long to answer.
The upcoming FOO FIGHTERS album includes a riff DAVE GROHL has been working on for 25 years.
RICK WAKEMAN‘s next solo album, The Red Planet, will be out on out on April 3.
PEARL JAM has a new single out called “Superblood Wolfmoon“. But if you want to hear it, you have to download an app and then point your phone at the moon. Or, if you can wait, it’ll be online officially on Wednesday. Grab the app here.
The Firefight Australia concert just went down, and highlights from it will broadcast on February 29 on Fox. QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT actually re-enacted the band’s legendary 1985 performance at Live Aid.