A woman recently got to see her brother with special needs for the first time in over a year, and their incredibly emotional reunion was all caught on video.……………… A woman in Ohio who’s allergic to bees got stung ten times by yellow jackets, and her Amazon Echo saved her life. Her husband wasn’t home, but he was able to use it to talk their son and neighbor through the process of using an EpiPen.………..And finally…………A kid in KY named Walker Smallwood was a promising pitcher until he was diagnosed with bone cancer in his leg at 15 and couldn’t play baseball anymore. Three years later, he’s in remission, but even though he’ll never make the big leagues now, he wanted to pitch one last time. So earlier this month, his coach let him start his first varsity game and planned to let him face a few batters. And instead . . . he threw a complete game no-hitter!!!!
Today’s Good News 4-30-21

Good News