This is tragic, but also about people coming together during the pandemic: A 22-year-old woman in Arkansas named Emily Robison died of covid last month, right after she had a baby, but people are coming together to help Eric, who’s now a 23-year-old single dad. A nurse named Ashlee Schwartz asked people on Facebook to help, and there’s a photo of Eric posing in his driveway with a mountain of baby stuff people sent him. She also started a GoFundMe page that’s raised about $25,000 to help him out…………….. Shelter dogs that are old or sick almost never get adopted, so a couple in upstate New York started a nonprofit called the Mr. Mo Project, named after their dog Moses who died in 2012. In the last seven years, they’ve found homes for over 600 dogs . . . and currently have 19 dogs of their own that they take care of at their house……..And finally……………
Today’s Good News 10-28-21
Good News