Today’s Good News 5-23-22

Today’s Good News 5-23-22

Good News

A scuba diver in England found a woman’s wedding ring after it fell off her finger and into a river.  It was a big deal because the ring is 100 years old and belonged to her grandmother………………..A guy named Aaron Welborn was snorkeling at a beach in Alabama, looking for seashells for his wife . . . and found someone’s teeth instead.    He spotted a set of dentures with the name “Randy Williams” on them.  So he tracked Randy down in Wisconsin to give them back.  He’d lost them a week earlier, and they’re worth $2,000. (Aaron says the best part was telling his wife to close her eyes, and dropping them in her hands.  So when she opened her eyes, there was a full set of teeth smiling at her)……….And finally………
