Here’s a guy who beat the odds: Franklin Estes lives in New Hampshire and just turned 106 years old on Friday. He was born premature in 1916, and then survived polio. He had to have a pacemaker put in on his 105th birthday last year, but he’s still kickin’. He had a less stressful birthday this year and spent time at a lake………….A 13-year-old girl in Texas named Alena Wicker has become the youngest Black student to ever get into medical school. She was accepted into Heersink School of Medicine at the University of Alabama. She graduated from high school last year, and has already completed two-and-a-half years of college………………………And finally……………….
Matt Shaha, a 27-year-old guy in Arizona grew out his hair for two years, all so he could turn it into a wig and donate it to his mom Melanie. She’s been dealing with a benign brain tumor for years, and has to have regular radiation treatments.