A team in Singapore created an invisible coating that basically makes wood fireproof, and it could help prevent house fires. You can hit it with a blowtorch, and it doesn’t burn. When hot flames heat the coating, a series of chemical reactions cause the material to turn into a char that expands to more than 30 times its original size. This char prevents the fire from damaging the wood underneath…………………. Even if longevity doesn’t run in your family, you can still live well into your 90s. That’s what researchers at the University of California, San Diego say. They found that exercising and staying in shape might play an even bigger role than genetics. So it’s not out of your hands by any means………And finally…………..
Officer Nick Ferara, a cop in L.A. saved a little kid who stopped breathing on Tuesday, and his chest-cam got it on video. It happened at a police station, and it’s not clear what was wrong, but the family did say that the child has had seizures since birth. (Here’s the video.) Officer Ferara said it was the scariest moment he’d ever had and his first time saving a life.