An eight-year-old girl in Philadelphia named Savannah Brown has alopecia and lost all her hair. So her entire family shaved their heads in solidarity, including a grandma and an aunt……….And in other hair news: Researchers in Japan may be one step closer to curing baldness. They managed to grow mature hair follicles in a petri dish using stem cells from mice, and just recently published a paper on it………………………And finally………….
A 2022 Mustang Shelby worth $112,000 just raised over $1 MILLION at a charity auction for hurricane relief. The limited-edition ride was donated by philanthropist George Shinn, with all proceeds from the sale going to Florida Disaster Fund and Samaritan’s Purse to helping victims of Hurricane Ian. Most of the money came from two people. A guy paid $400,000 but gave the car back, then it resold for another $300,000. Additional donations brought the total to $1,000,938.00