Today’s Good News 3-13-23

Today’s Good News 3-13-23

An elementary school in Arkansas recently let kids come to school dressed as their favorite super hero.  And an eight-year-old named Caroline Carlson showed up dressed as her teacher(Here’s a photo.)………….An 81-year-old guy got his car stuck in a snowbank in eastern California, and was stranded for six days.  But he survived on some croissants and candy he had with him . . . and credits his success to being a big fan of the show “Survivor”…….And finally………. 

TikTok just changed the life of a guy in AZ named Sebastian Ibañez.  He’s legally blind and partially deaf.  But he’s still done everything he can to provide for his family.  He always wanted to be a car salesman, but had to resort to selling brooms and mops on the street. His wife is fighting thyroid cancer.  And last month, his family’s van was in a crash, so it’s been even harder to make ends meet.  But after a reporter shared his story, a TikToker with 11 million followers named Jimmy Darts got involved. He posted a video where he talks to him and hands him $1,000 to help out.  Then he started a GoFundMe that’s raised over $120,000 to help Sebastian’s family. But it doesn’t end there:  The owner of a car dealership called Brown Brother’s Automotive saw the story and HIRED Sebastian.  On his very first day of work, he sold his first car. 
