A two-year-old girl in Florida was found face-down in a pool recently, but a 911 operator stayed totally calm, and helped a family member save her life. Now audio from the call is making the rounds online. It also shows chest-cam footage of the police showing up in real time to take over………………… Before a woman in Mississippi passed away in 2019, she made her grandson promise to lose weight. He was 649lbs at that point, but kept his promise. He’s now lost over 360 pounds, and didn’t even have gastric bypass. (Here are some before-and-after photos. People are donating on GoFundMe to help him get skin removal surgery.)………..And finally………….
A woman in Oklahoma named Mitzi Brogdon was driving when she saw a sad dog standing alone in a parking lot. So she pulled over . . . started following it . . . and it led her to SIXTEEN PUPPIES that were hiding under a tree. The dog is now named Dolly. It turned out the puppies were from three different litters. So she’d been taking care of about a dozen that weren’t even her own. Mitzi happens to be the director of a group called Street Dog Rescue & Recovery. So Dolly and all 16 puppies are being put up for adoption. (Here’s a photo.)