Happy National Puppy Day, everyone! Here are a few stories for it that have been making headlines . . ….Firefighters in Georgia recently saved a small dog that climbed into the engine compartment of someone’s car. (Here are some photos.)…….. Early in the pandemic, a doctor in West Virginia adopted Tucker, an eight-week-old poodle, as a sort of therapy dog to help her de-stress. Now he’s becoming an ACTUAL therapy dog, and visiting schools and hospitals…………And finally………………Lena, a dog that people thought was “too ugly” to get adopted from a shelter in Florida, finally found her forever home. The pup — who was surrendered due to a landlord issue — was born with large keloids, or tufts of scarred skin and fur, under each eye. The shelter appealed to the public just before the December holidays in hopes of finding Lena a forever home — and to express sadness over the harsh comments they heard visitors say about her. The post went viral, and a couple took Lena home just weeks after she broke the internet. She’s had surgery to remove her keloids, has graduated from a level one doggie training class and is on her way to level two training followed by a good canine citizen class.