Today’s Good News 3-28-23

Today’s Good News 3-28-23

A cow escaped from a slaughterhouse in New York recently and won its freedom.  Footage of it blew up online, and an animal sanctuary in New Jersey stepped in.  So now it’ll live out the rest of its life on a farm.  (Here’s a video.)………………….. A woman lost her digital camera 13 years ago when she dropped it while tubing down a river in Colorado.  But a fisherman just found it . . . checked the memory card . . . and the photos are still on there.  He tracked her down online, and he’s sending it to her this week……And finally……………….. 

Calcea Johnson and Ne’Kiya Jackson, two teenage girls in New Orleans, just solved a math problem that’s been stumping mathematicians for 2,000 years.  It has to do with the Pythagorean Theorem for sides on a triangle . . . A-squared, plus B-squared, equals C-squared. That formula is taught in every geometry class, but it’s not ideal because of something called “circular reasoning.” So they managed to prove it using trigonometry instead, and that’s a big deal.  They just gave a presentation at a math conference this month and were the only high schoolers in the room. 
