Today’s Good News 5-23-23

Today’s Good News 5-23-23

A woman on Staten Island just turned 104.  Here are her three secrets:   Lots of spinach . . . always taking the time to do her make-up when she goes out . . . and having one glass of beer every day………………A 26-year-old guy in New York is going viral for his “50/31” fitness challenge, where you try to run 50 miles in 31 days.  He lost his dad to brain cancer as a kid, so he’s doing it to raise money for Brain Cancer Awareness Month……………………..And finally…………..

We heard about these two last fall, but now it’s official.  A 93-year-old from Ohio named Joy Ryan has now been to all 63 of America’s National Parks. Her grandson started taking her because she was 85 and had never seen the ocean, or even a mountain before.  Their final trip was to the National Park of American Samoa.  They crossed it off their list last week.  (Here’s a photo.) 
