Today’s Good News 5-26-23

Today’s Good News 5-26-23

A 12-year-old Texas girl got an award for bravery this week after saving her entire family back in March.  Everyone else in her home . . . her mom and four other kids . . . passed out from carbon monoxide.  But she stayed calm, called 911, and firefighters saved them………. A team of 13 volunteers rescued a dog that climbed England’s highest mountain.  He hiked up 3,200 feet with his owners, and then decided he was done and wouldn’t budge.  Fair enough, since he’s a fairly big dog . . . a 73-pound Akita named Rocky.  They had to carry him on a stretcher, but he’s okay………………. And finally……..

A 40-year-old guy from Holland was paralyzed from the waist down in 2011.  But now he’s walking again thanks to a new brain implant doctors came up with. It bypasses the part of his spine that was injured, and sends signals to another implant that tells his muscles to move.  He still has to use a walker, but it could be a huge development for people with spinal cord injuries. 
