Today’s Good News 6-15-23

Today’s Good News 6-15-23

There’s a six-year-old English springer spaniel in the U.K. named Freya, who works as a SNIFFER DOG.  And she doesn’t sniff drugs.  She can sniff out the endangered great crested newts . . . even when they’re hiding underground.  And Freya’s detection skills are aiding critical conservation efforts(Here is a video featuring Freya.)……….. An estimated 15% of U.S. adults have tinnitus, and now, a team from the University of Michigan has developed a new treatment device . . . though there are still some clearance hurdles before it could become available…………..And finally………… 

A kid from Texas recently left his favorite hat behind while his family was staying at a hotel in Mississippi.  And the staff wouldn’t go out of their way to mail it to him.  But his mom called a cab company nearby, and they stepped up. The owner picked up the hat and mailed it to him himself.  He told a reporter he just likes helping people whenever he can. 
