Today’s Good News 6-21-23

Today’s Good News 6-21-23

Good news for cancer patients who like being active . . . new research says that walking for just 30 minutes a day . . . or practicing yoga . . . can help reduce fatigue in cancer patients . . . AND cut the risk of it spreading, coming back, or resulting in death…………………. An 82-year-old crossing guard in New Castle, Delaware named Delores Nevaras retired after 51 YEARS.  And she’s celebrating her retirement by crossing an item off her bucket list:  She’s getting a NOSE PIERCING.  ( has a piece on Delores.)…………..And finally………………….. 

A mom in Texas planned a birthday party at a burger joint for her five-year-old daughter, Willa . . . and no one showed up for it.  All her friends’ parents bailed at the last minute.  But social media saved the day. Her mom posted a photo of Willa sitting alone at a big table.  And within MINUTES, people started showing up.  A bunch of them even brought gifts.  Willa said her favorite present was “all of them.”  (Here’s a photo.) 
