Today’s Good News 6-30-23

Today’s Good News 6-30-23

Firefighters in Florida saved a horse that decided to jump into an above-ground swimming pool last week.  It got onto its owners’ deck, jumped in, and couldn’t get back out.  They had to use a piece of heavy machinery to hoist it up.  Thankfully, the horse wasn’t hurt.  (Here’s a video.)…………. A seafood place on Long Island called Peter’s Clam Bar recently pardoned a VERY old lobster. His name is Lenny the Lobster.  They think he’s around 111 years old. He’d been an attraction there for years, but they decided to set him free.  He could live another 50 years in the wild. The same place was in the news in 2016 when they pardoned an even older lobster named Larry.  He was around 130 when they let him go…..And finally………… 

Seven years ago, a paramedic in West Virginia named Kristi Hadfield saved a former Marine’s life when he had a heart attack.  He’s 72 now and doing great.  But she wasn’t done.  She recently saved his DAUGHTER’S life too. Her name is Molly Jones, and they connected on Facebook after the dad’s heart attack.  Last year, Molly posted about needing a new kidney, and Kristi immediately stepped up to donate.  The surgery was in December, two days after Christmas.  They’ve both doing great.  (Here’s a photo.  Kristi is on the right.) 
