Today’s Good News 7-26-23

Today’s Good News 7-26-23

A woman near Dallas was in a nasty wreck this month, and smoke was pouring out of her SUV.  But four random guys pulled her out in time, and it sounds like she’s okay. There’s a video of it on Facebook.  The guy who posted it said he heard she just has a broken ankle.  (Here’s the video.)…………For the last decade, a bunch of stray cats have been living at Coors Field in Denver, and earn their keep by catching mice.  Now the oldest one is RETIRING.  His name is “Smokey” or “Midnight” depending on who you ask.  (Here’s a pic.) An animal rescue group is finding him a forever home.  They put out a statement saying he’s “retiring from his unofficial post as head of pest control.” An adoption is pending……….And finally………… 

A dance club in England reopened this month after a decade.  And the first person they let in was a 95-year-old World War Two vet named Kevin Topham, who met his wife there in 1949. She’s no longer with us.  But his caregiver took him, and he danced with her in the same spot.  They even let him pick the song . . . “Chattanooga Choo Choo” by the Glenn Miller Orchestra
