Today’s Good News 7-27-23

Today’s Good News 7-27-23

Two recent Navy recruits saved their neighbor’s life when a fire tore through his home in Helena, Montana. One is 20, and was visiting his mom on leave.  The other is about to turn 18 and head off to basic training. They were both up at 4am because they were having a competition to see who could stay up the latest. They smelled smoke . . . called 911 . . . emptied three fire extinguishers just to get the flames around his door knocked down . . . and pulled him out before firefighters got there. We don’t know their names, because they don’t want any attention for it.  The fire chief called their actions “nothing short of heroic.”……………. A guy in Northern Ireland broke a world record by playing the drums for 150 hours straight.  That’s roughly six-and-a-half days.  He did it to raise money for pancreatic cancer research, and a mental health charity called Mind……………And finally………… 

An 11-year-old pit bull named Vanessa just got adopted from a shelter in Louisiana.  It’s a big deal, because she’d been there her whole life. Crate-trained, friendly and well-behaved, she kept getting overlooked. But now, someone who’d adopted from the place before is taking her.  They live in Delaware, so the shelter is sending her there, where she’ll spend the rest of her life as a cherished pet. (Here’s a then-and-now photo.) 
