Today’s Good News 7-28-23

Today’s Good News 7-28-23

To show how hot it’s been, a news station in Phoenix put a canvas on an easel . . . taped a bunch of crayons to the top . . . and left it in the sun until the crayons melted and dripped down.  So it was like the sun painted a work of art. A guy named Steven Ditter was watching, and thought it looked cool and abstract.  So he offered to buy it from them, and they took him up on it.  In exchange for the painting, he donated $500 to charity.  (Here’s a photo.)………………. A surfer in Australia found an old Rolex watch at the bottom of the ocean and got it back to its rightful owner.  It turned out another surfer lost it in 2019.  So it had been down there for four years, but it still works.  (It’s pretty banged up, but the same watch in good condition could sell for over $10,000.)…………..And finally………….. 

A flight attendant for Southwest found out that Jessa, a six-year-old Make-a-Wish kid was on his flight . . . so he announced there was a “very, very special guest” on the plane that they wanted to recognize. and brought her up to the front of the plane to share that she’d just BEATEN CANCER. “We want to welcome you home, we want to wish you a very healthy, happy, prosperous, and long life ahead,” he added. “Keep fighting, takes a fighter, doesn’t it? I’m glad you’re here with us.” The whole plane applauded.  (Here’s the video.) 
