Today’s Good News 8-11-23

Today’s Good News 8-11-23

A four-year-old boy in Connecticut was playing in his backyard when a bear showed up on Saturday.  But he’s okay after his family’s golden retriever chased the bear away.  It’s all on video. (Here’s the video.)…… A couple in Rhode Island were at a seafood restaurant when they found a pearl in a clam, which is rare.  They’re much more common in oysters.  So they hung onto it for two years, and the guy just used it to PROPOSE this month.  She said yes, and they went back to the same seafood place to celebrate……….And finally…………… 

Ten years ago, a woman in Minnesota named Sarah Gad was in and out of jail and hooked on opioids.  But a judge gave her one last chance to sort her life out, and she did.  She got off drugs . . . became a LAWYER . . . and just got an innocent man’s murder charges dropped last month. And here’s the kicker:  The day the case got dropped, she ran into that judge who gave her one last chance.  He asked what she was doing there, and she said, “I work here now.” 
