Today’s Good News 8-23-23

Today’s Good News 8-23-23

A baby giraffe with no spots was just born at a zoo in Tennessee, and could be the only spotless giraffe in the world.  She’s solid brown without the yellow patches other giraffes have.  (Here’s a photo.) Experts say it’s a good thing she’s in captivity.  Their spots act as camouflage, so she’d have a pretty low chance of making it in the wild. They’re letting people vote on what to name her, but aren’t taking suggestions.  The four choices are Kipekee, Firali, Shakiri, and Jamella.  (Giraffey McGiraffeFace isn’t an option.)………………… Around 200 kids in Reading, Pennsylvania got new bikes and helmets this month after hitting their reading goals this summer.  It’s part of a program run by United Way called “Bikes for Books.”…………….And finally……………….  

Back in 2018, a cop in Salt Lake City named David Romrell was tragically killed in the line of duty, leaving his four-month-old son Jackson without a dad. But now Jackson is in the news after he started kindergarten on Monday, and a bunch of “fill-in Dads” walked him to school.  His mom held his hand, and over a dozen cops walked alongside them.  (Here’s a photo.) 
