Today’s Good News 8-28-23

Today’s Good News 8-28-23

A woman dropped her phone in a lake in New Hampshire, but got it back after a random guy on a pontoon boat nearby dove in and rescued it in 15 feet of water.  (Here’s the video.)……….Talk about bringin’ home the bacon:  An 18-pound ham sold for a record $10 million at the Kentucky State Fair last week.   It was part of an annual fundraiser auction, and all the money goes to charity. The banking company Central Bank pledged $5 million.  The other $5 million came from coal tycoon Joe Craft and his wife Kelly.  A big chunk of the money will go to build 57 new homes for flood victims. ……And fnally……..  

A five-year-old kid in Seattle opened a lemonade stand to raise money for fire victims in Maui . . . and ended up raising over $17,000. His name is Edison Juel.  He and his parents went on a vacation to Hawaii this year.  So when he heard about the fire, he wanted to help.  All the money is going to the Maui Strong Fund
