Today’s Good News 10-2-23

Today’s Good News 10-2-23

A waiter at an IHOP in Massachusetts got a nice tip the other day.  A group who calls themselves the “$1,000 Breakfast Club” stopped in and left him $1,300……………….Here’s another great tipping story:  A group of friends had dinner at a Mexican place in Salt Lake City this month, and left a $10,000 tip.  Their waiter got $2,000.  Everyone else working that night split the rest……..And finally…………. 

A video of a postal worker in Georgia went viral this past week after she went above and beyond to save someone’s dog.  Holle Prigmore saw Ginger, a beagle mix, get bit by a snake as the dog was walking down the side of the road. Holle rang the owners’ doorbell to tell them their beagle got bit by a copperhead, but they didn’t answer, so she rushed the dog to the vet and likely saved its life, as a copperhead bite can be fatal in dogs if not treated quickly. Ginger is still a little sore, but she’s home and doing well. (Here’s the doorbell cam video.) 
