Today’s Good News 11-2-23

Today’s Good News 11-2-23

Two animals with fun names are in the news . . .A big-eared bat named “William ShakespEAR” won a Bat Beauty Contest in Oregon.  (???)  And a runaway pig that was missing in Pennsylvania for 17 days is now back home, safe and sound.  His name is “Kevin Bacon.” The real Kevin Bacon may have helped make it happen.  He posted about it on social media the other day and said, “Bring Kevin Bacon home!”……………Researchers have found that a new treatment using nanoparticles is effective for easing the pain of rheumatoid arthritis in the lab. One dose of medicine could provide patients with relief if trials using lab mice can be replicated in humans. The treatment not only provides short term pain relief, but also helps prevent the recurrence of symptoms……………And finally…………….. 

The Heart Gift Foundation brought a four-year-old Syrian girl to the U.S. for heart surgery. Naz Hassan has been living in Louisiana with her mom at the doctor’s house, and she had a successful surgery October 30th. But Halloween is her favorite holiday, and they knew she wouldn’t be able to celebrate on the 31st, so when her doctor’s neighbors heard about it, more than 60 houses participated in a trick-or-treating event just for her.  She dressed as a beautiful butterfly.  
