Today’s Good News 11-13-23

Today’s Good News 11-13-23

The USMC birthday/Veterans Day recap: A Marine in Tennessee used to tease his girlfriend that they could have their wedding catered by Waffle House one day.  So after they finally tied the knot last month, she surprised him by doing the reception there………………….A 77-year-old in Houston named George Philips dropped out of high school to join the Navy and spent three years in Vietnam.  60 years later, his school just gave him his diploma……………..And finally…………. 

An Air Force vet in Pennsylvania named Craig Harris recently got a new kidney donated by another Air Force veteran named Morgan Slaughter.  She heard he needed one after Craig’s favorite pizza place near Philly posted it on their big sign outside. The co-owner of Collegeville Bakery and Pizzeria says “What we try to do is uplift, recognize, honor people with the sign.” Both Morgan and Craig are recovering and healthy. One year to the day the original sign went up, a new sign says, “Kidney recipient.” 
