A woman in Texas spent a full month trying to catch a stray dog with a plastic jug stuck on his head. She finally did . . . and of course named him Jughead. He’ll be going up for adoption soon…………..A guy in Georgia says his Apple Watch recently saved his life. He was hiking with his dogs . . . Cinnamon and Sugar . . . when they saw a coyote, knocked him down, and broke his femur. He couldn’t reach his phone, but his watch detected the fall and helped him call 9-1-1……………And finally………….
The Gary Sinise Foundation hosted its annual “Snowball Express” event at Disney World this week. The families of more than 700 fallen soldiers showed up to honor and remember them, and show their kids a good time. There was a remembrance garden, with hundreds of American flags representing those who gave all, and a Walk of Gratitude, where families wrote messages to their fallen hero on a scroll, then the children rang bells to send those messages to those they lost.