A guy in South Carolina named Timothy Snipe saved his tiny chihuahua from a coyote the other day. He grabbed the thing with his bare hands . . . picked it up by the TAIL . . . and trapped it in a dumpster. He got bit on the leg and needed NINE rabies shots, but he’ll be okay and his chihuahua Roxie is fine. He said, quote, “Once you get a pet, they’re automatically a part of the family. And this is my girl.” ……… Snowboarders in Utah saved a guy who got caught in an avalanche and buried under three feet of snow. It’s actually the second avalanche he’s survived just in the past two years. He says this one was a lot scarier than the first, and the near-death experience changed his perspective on life. Going forward, he plans to spend a lot more time helping other people………And finally………….
A dog in Philadelphia kept digging holes in his owner’s yard, and his owner didn’t know why. Turned out there was an underground GAS LEAK that could have caused a huge explosion, and it took workers three days to fix it. They say if the dog hadn’t found the leak, the woman’s whole house could have blown up. Maybe her neighbors’ houses too. Kobe the husky is a very good boy. (Here’s a video she posted about it.)