Today’s Good News 2-2-24

Today’s Good News 2-2-24

A banged up Columbia, South Carolina dog was recently found wandering the streets by a sheriff’s deputy, and judging by his scrapes and bite marks, it’s believed that he was part of a dog fighting ring. Dubbed “Ryder”, the dog made such an impression on the department that he’s now part of their team – not as a K-9 officer, but as the headquarters pet…….. A 99-year-old Canadian swimmer named Betty Brussel recently broke three world records for her age group.  The first two were in the 50-meter breaststroke and 50-meter backstroke. She also did the 400-meter freestyle in 12 minutes 50 seconds, almost four minutes faster than the previous record………And finally………..  

Cops in England stopped a guy when they saw him running with a fridge strapped to his back. But it turned out he wasn’t stealing it. His name is Daniel Fairbrother, and he’s training for a marathon to raise money and support a buddy with diabetes.  He’s trying to break the record for fastest marathon while carrying a household appliance.  (Here’s an interview.) 
