Today’s Good News 4-2-24

Today’s Good News 4-2-24

A TV station in Salem, Oregon did a story on a retired guy named John Piper who volunteers by doing yardwork and picking up trash outside his local high school.  His son went there, and he likes to keep the school looking good.  He’s been doing it five days a week for 16 years……..Firefighters in Southern California used a helicopter to airlift a horse to safety on Sunday.  It got spooked, ran off, and ended up stranded in a river.  The horse is fine.  They had to cover its eyes when they lifted it out.  Obviously, seeing itself way up off the ground could have freaked it out a bit…….And finally……….. 

Greenville’s MrBeast and a company called Lectric Bikes of Phoenix recently donated e-bikes to 600 people across the U.S.  People were invited to submit videos explaining why they needed a bike, and thousands of videos came in. The team at Beast Philanthropy went into action, creating a shortlist of recipients and generating waves of donations. The bikes, worth about $600,000, were then either delivered by hand or shipped directly to the recipients. (Here’s the video.) 
