Today’s Good News 5-30-24

Today’s Good News 5-30-24

A guy in England is in the news after he installed a “Little Free Library” outside his house, but for DVDs instead of books . . . and made it look like a tiny Blockbuster store………… A 70-year-old flamingo named Gertrude just laid her very first egg.  The director of her nature preserve in England says she’d been “unlucky in love” but recently started shacking up with a flamingo named Gil who’s 33 years younger. They don’t know if the egg will hatch or not but say it’s been a “fantastic experience” for her either way.  70 is old for a flamingo.  They usually live to around 40……………And finally………….. 

A MI horse named Luna was intended to be a trail horse but began to lose her sight.  Instead of giving up on her, Luna’s owner found her a companion to help her navigate through life – a donkey named Petey. Every morning Petey guides Luna out of the barn, making noises to let her know he’s arrived, nipping at her blanket to tell her it’s time to go out. Then Petey stays by her side through the day to make sure she stays safe. 
