Today’s Good News 6-6-24

Today’s Good News 6-6-24

A piece of artwork bought online for $1,000 was recently identified as a long-lost Degas painting, which is worth $13 MILLION.  It was actually signed, but the seller advertised it as a “fake” Degas………..Did you know there’s a free service for lost pets called FidoAlert?  They’ll send you a free I.D. tag with a QR code people can scan if they find them.  Some people prefer it because you don’t have to list any personal info on the tag, like your phone number, but they do make money by collecting data about you, and your pet, but the tag itself it free………………And finally…………. 

A 69-year-old former Navy medic named Pamela Middlebrook passed away in Arizona, and only six people were expected at the funeral.  But 48 hours before the service, her daughter posted about it online, and two dozen people went out of their way to show up and pay their respects. The daughter said it restored her faith in humanity to know strangers would “come together for [someone] they don’t even know, just to honor their memory and their service.” 
