Today’s Good News 8-8-24

Today’s Good News 8-8-24

First responders in Kansas recently saved a 14-month-old toddler who fell down a pipe.  It was a foot wide and 12 feet deep, but he wasn’t seriously hurt. He wouldn’t grab a rope they tossed down to him.  So they had to use a “catch pole” that’s normally used for catching dogs.  They worked fast and got him out in about 20 minutes, and someone’s chest-cam got it on video….. Two cops in south Texas rescued a cat last Thursday after it managed to get a jar stuck on its head, and there’s chest-cam footage of the whole thing.  They got the jar off, then got it to a vet.  They nicknamed it “Jar Jar”.  (WARNING:  The video has an S-word at :55.)………And finally……….. 

A kid named Chayce McCoy just graduated high school in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  And a video of him thanking his favorite teacher is going viral.  Her name is Renee Sigmon.  She made a big impact on him his junior year, so he surprised her with a tattoo he got of the note she wrote him for graduation.  It says, “Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle!  Always live your truth and continue to fight for what you believe.” Renee teaches culinary arts.  Chayce is now heading off to college to study business, and wants to open his own restaurant someday.  (Here’s a photo.) 
