Today’s Good News 2-5-25

Today’s Good News 2-5-25

Good News

A wildlife rescue worker in Australia saved a very large bat that fell into a hotel swimming pool and couldn’t get out.  There’s video of it, and it’s like the bat knew she was there to help.  It swam right up to her…………….. The FDA recently approved a new heart pump for children that circulates blood while they wait for a transplant.  It’s smaller than other heart pumps and can be used on younger kids.  Doctors say it could save a whole lot of lives……..And finally…………….. 

An AZ guy named Paul Guilbeault was driving to L.A. this month to donate supplies to fire victims when he got a text that his dog Damian had been found EIGHT YEARS after he went missing. He lost him during a move from Massachusetts in 2017.  Damien slipped off his leash in Oklahoma, and Paul stayed for a week but couldn’t find him. The text this month came from an OK woman who scooped Damien up after almost hitting him on the road.  She got him to a vet, and they scanned his microchip.  Paul made a U-turn and headed straight to Oklahoma to pick him up. 
